SQLite NHibernate configuration with .Net 4.0 and vs 2010 SQLite NHibernate configuration with .Net 4.0 and vs 2010 sqlite sqlite

SQLite NHibernate configuration with .Net 4.0 and vs 2010

  1. Sure. You can also use previous versions if you configure mixed mode loading.
  2. No need to be in the GAC. You can use gacutil to remove the assemblies from the GAC.
  3. Use the x64 DLL to target Windows x64 and x86 for Windows x86
  4. Please post the full exception stack trace. Also if you're using a 3.5 assembly use mixed mode loading.
  5. FNH has no reference to SQLite.

I want this to stand out so it will help someone else; the full reason this happens is explained here; so adjust your congig to use BOTH the redirect there in combo with the mixed loading mode referenced here by Mauricio.

I had the same problem, and found little or no help on all the forum and blog posts.

Note that this problem is specific to a case respecting all of the following criteria:- using SQLite- with System.Data.SqlLite- on an x64 machine- and NHibernate ( in my case)

That chunk of config in my web.config (or app.config for my unit tests) got it to work. I had to qualify the assembly to be sure he loads correctly.

<configuration>  <runtime>    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">      <qualifyAssembly         partialName="System.Data.SQLite"         fullName="System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139, processorArchitecture=AMD64" />    </assemblyBinding>  </runtime></configuration>

Somewhere in it's inner plumbing, during the mapping using scanned assemblies, NHibernate creates an Assembly object using it's paritla name, as a string, "System.Data.SQLite". Somehow, the x86 version of the assembly got loaded.

The above configuration made sure that using the partial name to load an assembly would provide the x64 version.

EDIT: I use version and took the DLL under the bin\x64 folder in the file SQLite- available on sourceforge here.