Sqlite on cloud base in Livecode for centralized database Sqlite on cloud base in Livecode for centralized database sqlite sqlite

Sqlite on cloud base in Livecode for centralized database

You can use SQLite with several clients, if you write a server for it. Note that it's probably easier to just use a MySQL or PostgreSQL server, even tho their strong typing is annoying.

For networked SQLite, you need a server that receives data from clients via a socket connection. So basically you'd have a single LiveCode program that passes on SQL queries that it gets over a network. A very simplicistic example (untested):


on mouseUp  accept connections on port 8080 with message "queryMessage"end mouseUpon queryMessage theIP  read from socket theIP until return  put it into mySQL  delete char -1 of mySQL --remove trailing return that was added for network protocol  put revOpenDatabase("SQLite","path/to/myDatabase.sqlite",,,) into connectionID  put revDataFromQuery(,,connectionID,mySQL) into myResult  revCloseDatabase connectionID  write length(myResult) & return & myResult to socket theIP --no return needed, length based  close socket theIPend queryMessage


on mouseUp  -- make sure to know what IP the server is running from!  -- the number after ":" is the port  put "localhost:8080" into myIP  open socket to myIP  write "SELECT * FROM tableName" & return to socket myIP  read from socket myIP until return  put it into returnStringLength  read from socket myIP for returnStringLength chars  put it into field "the sql query result"  close socket myIPend mouseUp

You need additionally:

  • Ways to handle commands like INSERT, PRAGMA, etc. (basically revExecuteSQL)
  • SQL error reporting/handling
  • Socket error reporting/handling
  • If public accessible, you need security!
  • Logging of who is querying and what is happening

I've only used this approach with 4-8 clients, so I don't know how well it scales for larger client bases. Note that in this scenario the "server" is not run on a shared webhost (like a webpage), but instead is a "normal" program on a pc in the same local network (example geared to run on same pc as client). doing this over the internet usually needs you to forward ports on a router or firewall, so it's a bit harder to set up, but is also possible.

Make sure to look up commands used in the example in the dictionary.

SQLite is designed to be a single user local file database so it's not suitable for your application. There's lots of options for cloud based data storage out there. You could if you wanted connect directly to a remote database server like MySQL but that means enabling remote access which is a security risk. If you only need to access the database from a restricted set of IPs then it's probably worth considering but use SSL and a user that only has limited privileges.

I don't know how JSON got involved but you could use a web server + server side scripts to create an API that returned JSON objects. That's a more secure approach than remote access. There's other options too... Amazon Web Services SimpleDB would possibly work for you.