SQLite Order by WHERE IN clause [duplicate] SQLite Order by WHERE IN clause [duplicate] sqlite sqlite

SQLite Order by WHERE IN clause [duplicate]


Found it in an obscure SQLite forum.

There's a neat way of ordering things that is very specific but lends itself to be programmatically generated.

To achieve the desired order, you can use the following:

SELECT   * FROM   todosWHERE   todos.id in ( 1, 3, 2, 4 ) ORDER BY   CASE todos.id    WHEN 1 THEN 1   WHEN 3 THEN 2   WHEN 2 THEN 3   WHEN 4 THEN 4  END

This returns the records in the following order:


As you can see, you're manually specifying the order of each record. This would be laborious if you were doing this manually, but this can be easily programmed and appended to a query, if you're using a programming language.

For example, I'm using this with Android/Java and ended up doing something like this to generate this ORDER BY clause:

String orderBy = "CASE todos.id ";int i = 1;for ( int id : ids ) {    orderBy = orderBy.concat( " WHEN " + id + "' THEN " + i );    i++;}orderBy = orderBy.concat( " END");// Append `orderBy` to your normal SQLite query.