Sqlite: SELECT * BUT id FROM Table Sqlite: SELECT * BUT id FROM Table sqlite sqlite

Sqlite: SELECT * BUT id FROM Table

Absolutely, no.

But here's a workaround. Create a VIEW of the table, eg

CREATE VIEW ViewNameAS    SELECT col1, col2, col3, .... -- don't select the column name you want to hide    FROM tableName;

once the VIEW was created, you can now call it,


No, you cannot do that.

You list the ones you need, or you accept that the result set contains one more column than you need.

sqlite is an embedded DBMS, and it is expected that some functionality can be implemented with the host language. For instance, stored procedures are excluded since all such advanced logic and flow structures will exist in the host language.

If one thinks outside of SQL, the answer is "yes": Use the host language to iterate through a table's columns and build a select statement to get desired schema. See How can I get the list of a columns in a table for a SQLite database?