sqlite selected data not showing to ng-repeat sqlite selected data not showing to ng-repeat sqlite sqlite

sqlite selected data not showing to ng-repeat

sqlite transaction is synchronous, so in the create list, you have to call the getList in the success callback of the execute:like: $scope.createList = function () {

var value1 = document.getElementById("List").value;alert(value1);var db = $cordovaSQLite.openDB({ name: "Bd_DB.db" });var query = "INSERT INTO List (name) VALUES (?)";$cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, [value1]).then(function (res) {    console.log("insertId: " + res.insertId);     $scope.getAllLists();}, function (err) {    alert(err);    console.error(err);});


Also, in the getAllLists, the function will end regardless of the status of the .execute, so you have to bind to a variable which be set inside the success callback.

$scope.listItems= [];

$scope.getAllLists = function () {

var query = "SELECT * FROM List";$cordovaSQLite.execute($cordovaSQLite.openDB({ name: "Bd_DB.db" }), query).then(function (res) {    $scope.listItems= [];    if (res.rows.item(0).name !="") {        for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; i++) {          listItems.push(res.rows.item(i).name);        }        $scope.$apply();    }}

Finally, you have to made $scope.$apply() to reflect the result to the view.

Try changing var listItems= [] to a scope variable

$scope.listItems = [];....$scope.listItems.push({name:'item 1'})

and then in your view:

<ion-content>  <div ng-repeat= "item in listItems">      {{item.name}}  </div></ion-content>