SVN using wrong sqlite version SVN using wrong sqlite version sqlite sqlite

SVN using wrong sqlite version

I experienced the same issue, I solved downloading, unpacking the archive using tar/gunzip and coping sqlite3.c from the resulting directory into $svn-src-folder/sqlite-amalgamation/sqlite3.c.

Run configure/make/sudo make install and you should solve.

I had brew, svn 1.8, working fine in OSX 10.8.

I upgraded to 10.9, broke. For some reason the symlinks brew makes in /usr/local/bin were removed by the 10.9 installation?

brew update didnt fix.

brew install svn fixed svn, or so I thought.Then actually using svn 1.8 (/usr/local/bin first in my path) I also had the above sqlite error message. A newer sqlite being in /usr/local/Cellar, but not symlinked in /usr/local/bin or anything.

brew install sqlite3 ... didnt fix it. And I noticed brew says for this component it doesnt symlink. ok.

BUT, after that reinstall, a further reinstall of svnbrew svn uninstallbrew svn install

DID fix it. dont know why. Now can svn co successfully.

After re-linking subversion, I had also to re-link sqlite3

brew link --force sqlite3