Syncing SQLite with SQLServer using Sync Framework Syncing SQLite with SQLServer using Sync Framework sqlite sqlite

Syncing SQLite with SQLServer using Sync Framework

they are sample apps, so for simplicity, they just point both source and target databases locally. there's no stopping you from repointing database connections to a remote server.

instead of looking at Sync Framework SDK alone, look at the Sync Framework Toolkit instead. That's the one that addresses non-MS client platforms.

The Microsoft Sync Services work with any data source that can be connected by the ADO.NET data provider. You will want to look at how to do a peer-to-peer synchronization. The rules for Microsoft Sync Framework are kept in a SQL Server Compact Edition database, and needs to reside on the SQL Server side, and most likely you will perform the synchronization over a network connection (Internet) so you will need to set up a web server and web services to activate the sync agent from the Android side. Making the agent and the sync adapters will be quite a bit of work. Lucky for you enterprising developers have already done this work: are other tools like the one I posted, and for transparency sake I have no interests in Ampliapps, I just know of their product.