Temporary in-memory database in SQLite Temporary in-memory database in SQLite sqlite sqlite

Temporary in-memory database in SQLite

Create it with the filename ":memory:": In-Memory Databases.

It'll cease to exist as soon as the connection to it is closed.

As an alternative to in memory databases, you can create a SQLite temporary database by using an empty string for the filename. It will be deleted when the connection is closed. The advantage over an in-memory database is your databases are not limited to available memory.

Alternatively, you can create your database in a temp file and let the operating system clean it up. This has the advantage of being accessible for inspection.

I'd suggest mounting a tmpfs filesystem somewhere (RAM only filesystem) and using that for your unit tests.

Instantiate DB files as normal then blow them away using rm - yet nothing has gone to disk.

(EDIT: Nice - somebody beat me to a correct answer ;) Leaving this here as another option regardless)