Uninitialized constant Encoding with sqlite3-ruby on windows Uninitialized constant Encoding with sqlite3-ruby on windows sqlite sqlite

Uninitialized constant Encoding with sqlite3-ruby on windows

If you look at the backtrace will noticed that the issue is not sqlite3-ruby but another gem you have installed:

C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-0.0.3/lib/sqlite3/encoding.rb:9:in `find'C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sqlite3-0.0.3/lib/sqlite3/database.rb:69:in `initialize'

Please uninstall sqlite3 gem (gem uninstall sqlite3) since seems interfering with the loading mechanism.

The sqlite3-ruby gem version 1.2.5 has been updated for Windows and should work out of the box.

I recommend reading the tutorials of the new RubyInstaller that replaces One-Click:


And also install latest RC1 version, instead of One-Click from here

Hope this helps.