UNIQUE constraint but only when column = something UNIQUE constraint but only when column = something sqlite sqlite

UNIQUE constraint but only when column = something

This is not supported directly; you have to implement it with a trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER something_unique_checkBEFORE INSERT ON MyTableFOR EACH ROWWHEN NEW.col2 = 'something'BEGIN    SELECT RAISE(FAIL, '"something" record is not unique')    FROM MyTable    WHERE col1 = NEW.col1      AND col2 = NEW.col2      AND col3 = NEW.col3;END;

I haven't tested it but I think you can do that with partial indexes in SQLite 3.8.0 (released 2013-08-26):

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX    "partial_index" ON "table" ("col1", "col2", "col3")WHERE ("col2" = 'something');

I might be wrong though.

I'd suggest using table-level cheque constraint

ALTER TABLE TADD CONSTRAINT CK_something CHECK (col2 != "something" OR (col1<>col2 AND col1<>col3 AND col2<>col3))

other option is to use trigger, but that's a more sophisticated approach.