Update sqlite file from datatable Update sqlite file from datatable sqlite sqlite

Update sqlite file from datatable

The SQLiteDataAdapter class is the simplest choice for this kind of updates. The method Update of the class scans the DataTable passed and for each row that has the RowState property different from DataRowState.Unchanged executes the appropriate INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE command (if the SELECT command extracts from the DataTable the primary key). So assuming that your SELECT * FROM Data returns also the primary key of the table you could change your code to take advantage of the SQLiteDataAdapter functionality

Imports System.Data.SQLitePublic Class DBOps    ' Global because you create it in the ImportGEDb3 and use it in the SaveGEDB3 '    Private daImport As SQLiteDataAdapter    Public Function ImportGEDb3(Filepath As String) As DataTable        Dim dt As New DataTable("Data")        daImport = new SQLiteDataAdapter("Select * from Data", "Data Source='" & Filepath & "'")                        daImport.Fill(dt)        ' This is critical, it is the SQLiteCommandBuilder that takes '        ' the SQLiteDataAdapter SELECT statement and builds the required'        ' INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE commands.'        Dim builder = new SQLiteCommandBuilder(daImport)        Return dt    End Function    Public Sub SaveGEDb3(dt as datatable)      if daImport IsNot Nothing Then         daImport.Update(dt)      End If    End Sub End class