Using entity framework with both SQL Server and SQLite databases simultaneously Using entity framework with both SQL Server and SQLite databases simultaneously sqlite sqlite

Using entity framework with both SQL Server and SQLite databases simultaneously

Create another class for dbcontext object with sqlite dbcontext and use the same model class. Simple reason is that default entity works with sqlserver db. To use sqlite you have to use sqlite dbcontext.

Are you passing in the connection string or the name of the connection string in the <connectionStrings> app settings section? I believe the issue is as you describe. It defaults the provider to System.Data.SqlClient. If you want Sql Lite, you have to set the providerName on the <connectionString> and then send the name (attribute) of that <connectionString> to DbContext (It knows how to look that up automatically). It should then use that new providerName attribute instead of SqlClient.

You can achieve this easily using Entity Framework Code First. Code First approach does not use an .edmx file. Your entities (classes) are automatically mapped to DB tables.

You would define both connectionstrings in your app.config file and configure their providers. Now you can switch between DB's by passing the desired connectionstring to EF.

/* connection string for SQLite */<add name="SQLiteConnection" connectionString="Data Source=MyDBName.sqlite" providerName="System.Data.SQLite" />/* connection string for SQL Server */<add name="SQLServerConnection" connectionString="Data Source=MyDB; Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

See SQLite Code First and EF 6 Code First for more information.