using rake db:migrate with sinatra and activerecord (not rails) using rake db:migrate with sinatra and activerecord (not rails) sqlite sqlite

using rake db:migrate with sinatra and activerecord (not rails)

First of all, try to strip the leading and trailing whitespaces after you take the input email, like this:

admin_email = gets.chomp.stripputs "admin_email: #{admin_email.inspect}"

Then, try your script again. It should work.

To explain what's going on here, your query:

find_admin = Admin.find_by(email:admin_email)

this can't find an admin record with the provided email. So, it's a nil object and when you call: i.e. then you get the error:

undefined method `email' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

You need to make sure you have an admin with the given email. To do that, you can create one first, in your rails console, do this:

Admin.create!(email: '')

Then, try to find the admin like above by giving as input.

It should work if the admin record with the given email is present in the database.