VS 2015 SQLite data provider VS 2015 SQLite data provider sqlite sqlite

VS 2015 SQLite data provider

Installing this package:sqlite-netFx46-setup-bundle-x86-2015- should fix that.You need specifically 32-bit version

From http://system.data.sqlite.org/:

This is the only setup package that is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2015.

This is working link at the time of writinghttp://system.data.sqlite.org/downloads/

will add sqlite to the server explorer in VS2015

For me, I had to install this package.

You have to check the second checkbox that will integrate SQLite into Visual Studio 2015 in the installation wizard.

The package Daniel showed us didn't work for me.

My configuration is this: VS 2015, from Nuget I installed Entity Framework 6, System.Data.SQLite.Core version 1.0.101, project is in .Net 4.6.1.

Install the sqlite-net nuget into your solution