WARNING: IPython History requires SQLite, your history will not be saved WARNING: IPython History requires SQLite, your history will not be saved sqlite sqlite

WARNING: IPython History requires SQLite, your history will not be saved

I've also read in a few places that I may have to rebuild Python.

This is correct. SQLite is part of the standard library,and is built when you compile Python. There are a few 'optional' partsof the standard library, which Python will simply skip (with minimal warning, unfortunately)if the dependencies are missing at build time, and sqlite is one of these.You should be able to just install libsqlite3-dev,then rebuild Python and you should be set.Keep an eye on the build messages,as they do report which modules they are skipping due to missing dependencies.

Thanks to minrk for pointing me in the right direction. All I had to do was rebuild python. I've outlined the steps below for those that are using pythonbrew. Notice that I already installed the libsqlite3-dev package up in the question section.

First, with the proper version of python and virtual environment loaded up run the command:

$ pip freeze -l > requirements.txt

This gives us a text file list of all of the pip packages that have been installed in the virtual environment for this particular python release in pythonbrew. Then we remove the version of python from pythonbrew and reinstall it (this is the "rebuild python" step):

$ pythonbrew uninstall 2.7.3$ pythonbrew install 2.7.3

After that, we switch over to the newly installed python version 2.7.3 and create a new virtual environment (which I've called "sci"):

$ pythonbrew switch 2.7.3$ pythonbrew venv create sci$ pythonbrew venv use sci

Ideally you should be able to run the command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

and according to this pip should reinstall all the modules that you had in the virtual environment before we clobbered that version of python (2.7.3). It didn't work for me for whatever reason so I manually installed all of the modules using pip individuality.

$ ipython --pylabPython 2.7.3 (default, Jan  5 2013, 18:48:27) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.IPython 0.13.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.%quickref -> Quick reference.help      -> Python's own help system.object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

and IPython history works!

What worked for me (using osx + homebrew + brewed python):

# Reinstall Python 2.7 with sqlitebrew remove pythonbrew install readline sqlite gdbm --universalbrew install python --universal --framework# Reinstall iPython with correct bindingspip uninstall ipython    pip install ipython

And you should be good to go.