What may cause an ErrorConstraint SqliteException error with Yesod + sqlite3? What may cause an ErrorConstraint SqliteException error with Yesod + sqlite3? sqlite sqlite

What may cause an ErrorConstraint SqliteException error with Yesod + sqlite3?

This is the best solution I've found. And what looks like will be the "official" solution.

So in my project i've done this way.

So this is my wipeDB function now:

wipeDB :: App -> IO ()wipeDB app = do    let settings = appSettings app        logFunc = messageLoggerSource app (appLogger app)    sqliteConn <- rawConnection (sqlDatabase $ appDatabaseConf settings)    let infoNoFK = set fkEnabled False $ mkSqliteConnectionInfo ""        wrapper = wrapConnectionInfo infoNoFK sqliteConn    pool <- runLoggingT (createSqlPool wrapper 1) logFunc    flip runSqlPersistMPool pool $ do        tables <- getTables        sqlBackend <- ask        let queries = map (\t -> "DELETE FROM " ++ (connEscapeName sqlBackend $ DBName t)) tables        forM_ queries (\q -> rawExecute q [])