Windows/Ruby/Rails install --- .cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native windows Windows/Ruby/Rails install --- .cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native windows sqlite sqlite

Windows/Ruby/Rails install --- .cannot load such file -- sqlite3/sqlite3_native windows

fortunately, you don't have to switch to ruby 2.0
there is a solution to this issue, after endless trying...



  • gem uninstall sqlite3 --all



  • run command-line in the extracted dir
  • make sure you have your C compiler installed and added to PATH
  • gem install bundler
  • bundle install
  • rake native gem
  • you'll find a dir named 'pkg' generated


  • enter dir 'pkg'
  • gem install --local sqlite3-xxx.gem ('xxx' is version code)


  • irb
  • require 'sqlite3'

The issue is that binary sqlite3 gem do not include pre-compiled versions for Ruby 2.1.3

This is mentioned in the sqlite3-ruby mailing list here.

In the folder of your project open terminal and execute:

bundle update sqlite3

bundle update nokogiri

I hope i have helped you ;)


  • i always recommend using linux/mac for ruby, because some gems may get problematic, because of compiling errors with c

  • always use bundle to manage your gems, it is much easier*, you can install it by:

    • gem install bundler

    • bundle install - will install all the gems in your Gemfile

    • the last bundler version is not compatible withe ruby bellow 2.3, so use gem install bundler -v 1.16.4