WP8 SQLite error: The specified module could not be found WP8 SQLite error: The specified module could not be found sqlite sqlite

WP8 SQLite error: The specified module could not be found

  1. Delete all references to sqlite from solution
  2. Install Sqlite for WP8 from http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/cd120b42-30f4-446e-8287-45387a4f40b7
  3. Restart Visual Studio. In my case it's Visual Studio 2013.
  4. open your solution where you want to use sqlite
  5. Using package manager console in order to install sqlite-net. Enter the following command: Install-package sqlite-net
  6. Install sqlite-net-wp8. Enter the following command: Install-package sqlite-net-wp8
  7. Add compilation cofiguration

    7.1 Right-click the project and select Properties.

    7.2 Select the Build tab.

    7.3 In the Configuration list, select All Configurations.

    7.4 In the Platform list, select All Platforms.

    7.5 On the Build tab, you’ll see Conditional compilation symbols under the General header, containing a default value of SILVERLIGHT;WINDOWS_PHONE on a Windows Phone app project. Change the value to SILVERLIGHT;WINDOWS_PHONE;USE_WP8_NATIVE_SQLITE and save the project file.

  8. Right-click References and select add reference.Go to Windows Phone -> Extensions and check the option SQlite for Windows Phone

It works for me!!Good luck