App Crashes From ipa file but runs fine from Xcode? App Crashes From ipa file but runs fine from Xcode? swift swift

App Crashes From ipa file but runs fine from Xcode?

You should look at the crashing logs.

  1. connect you device to you Mac
  2. in Xcode, press cmd+shift+2.
  3. find you device, and press the log button
  4. wait a while. then you can see all crashing logs.
  5. find the ones with your app's name. If you don't understand it, post it here.

I have also gone through same issue

You have to edit your scheme

Archive --> Build Configuration --> set this to DebugTry to archive and test your IPA now.. it should work fine.

I assume that you build your app with different build configurations basically using the Debug configuration when you run it from Xcode and the Release configuration for deployment as ipa. We had a similar issue with unexplainable bugs in the release configuration and figured out that the Swift Optimization caused the problem. For now we switched from Fast, Whole Module Optimization to Fast, Single-File Optimization for the release builds until we can narrow down the problem.

Hope that helps!

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