Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function swift swift

Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function

I also had this problem and I found a workaround for my case.

In this article the author has the same problem

So the problem seems to be, that the compiler needs to infer the type of T somehow. But it isn't allowed to simply use generic< type >(params...).

Normally, the compiler can look for the type of T, by scanning the parameter types because this is where T is used in many cases.

In my case it was a little bit different, because the return type of my function was T. In your case it seems that you haven't used T at all in your function. I guess you just simplified the example code.

So I have the following function

func getProperty<T>( propertyID : String ) -> T

And in case of, for instance


the compiler gives me the error:

Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function

So, to give the compiler another source of information to infer the type of T from, you have to explicitly declare the type of the variable the return value is saved in.

var value : Int = getProperty("countProperty")

This way the compiler knows that T has to be an integer.

So I think overall it simply means that if you specify a generic function you have to at least use T in your parameter types or as a return type.

Swift 5

Typically there are many ways to define generic functions. But they are based on condition that T must be used as a parameter, or as a return type.

extension UIViewController {    class func doSomething<T: UIView>() -> T {        return T()    }    class func doSomethingElse<T: UIView>(value: T) {        // Note: value is a instance of T    }    class func doLastThing<T: UIView>(value: T.Type) {        // Note: value is a MetaType of T    }}

After that, we must provide T when calling.

let result = UIViewController.doSomething() as UIImageView // Define `T` by casting, as UIImageViewlet result: UILabel = UIViewController.doSomething() // Define `T` with property type, as UILabelUIViewController.doSomethingElse(value: UIButton()) // Define `T` with parameter type, as UIButtonUIViewController.doLastThing(value: UITextView.self) // Define `T` with parameter type, as UITextView



The solution is taking the class type as parameter (like in Java)

To let compiler know what type he is dealing with pass the class as argument

extension UIViewController {    func navigate<ControllerType: UIViewController>(_ dump: ControllerType.Type, id: String, before: ((ControllerType) -> Void)?){        let controller = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: id) as! ControllerType        before?(controller)        self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)    }}

Call as:

self.navigate(UserDetailsViewController.self, id: "UserDetailsViewController", before: {        controller in        controller.user = self.notification.sender    })