Can't find headers for GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK with Cocoapods 0.37, Swift, frameworks Can't find headers for GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK with Cocoapods 0.37, Swift, frameworks swift swift

Can't find headers for GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK with Cocoapods 0.37, Swift, frameworks

This is a bug in Cocoapods 0.37.0. It has been logged in their tracker as issue #3499.


  • Add $(SRCROOT)/Pods/GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK to the User Header Search Paths (set to Recursive) in the app target's Build Settings.
  • Reference the Google Analytics header directly in the Bridging Header with #import "GAI.h"

Another trick is to add long relative path(s) to the bridging header.

This avoids having to make changes to project settings which may be overridden next time you run `pod install':

#import "../../Pods/GoogleAnalytics/Headers/Public/GAI.h"#import "../../Pods/GoogleAnalytics/Headers/Public/GAIFields.h"#import "../../Pods/GoogleAnalytics/Headers/Public/GAIDictionaryBuilder.h"

It also works when running your unit tests too, which another solution I tried didn't.

I don't know if this is the correct answer or not, but the way we got it to work was to manually import libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a and not via cocoapods.

Locate libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a and drag it into the project, then add it to Linked Frameworks and Libraries (if it's not there already) and you're good to go. Don't forget to remove it from your Podfile.

Don't forget to add the header files to your bridging-header