Can't import dependency installed with Cocoapods Can't import dependency installed with Cocoapods swift swift

Can't import dependency installed with Cocoapods

  1. Select your Project Target
  2. Go to Build Settings.
  3. Search for Header Search Paths.
  4. Add this value $(SRCROOT)/Pods with recursive, then Xcode will resolve the path for you.

enter image description here

Are you opening the .xcodeproj or the .xcworkspace? Make sure it is the workspace whenever you install a cocoapod

I'll naively suppose you don't have use_frameworks! in you Podfile. If that's true, than you have two ways to go from here:

  1. In your Runner-Bridging-Header.h add #import <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h>, remove import FBSDKCoreKit from AppDelegate.swift and just continue writing the code.

  2. Add use_frameworks! to your Podfile and run pod install again. That might bring some other issues, but if that works, than I'd suggest it.