Check if array contains part of a string in Swift? Check if array contains part of a string in Swift? swift swift

Check if array contains part of a string in Swift?

Try like this.

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]let searchToSearch = "go"let filteredStrings = itemsArray.filter({(item: String) -> Bool in     var stringMatch = item.lowercaseString.rangeOfString(searchToSearch.lowercaseString)     return stringMatch != nil ? true : false})

filteredStrings will contain the list of strings having matched sub strings.

In Swift Array struct provides filter method, which will filter a provided array based on filtering text criteria.

First of all, you have defined an array with a single string.What you probably want is

let itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]

Then you can use contains(array, predicate) and rangeOfString() – optionally with .CaseInsensitiveSearch – to check each string in the arrayif it contains the search string:

let itemExists = contains(itemsArray) {    $0.rangeOfString(searchToSearch, options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch) !=  nil}println(itemExists) // true 

Or, if you want an array with the matching items instead of a yes/noresult:

let matchingTerms = filter(itemsArray) {    $0.rangeOfString(searchToSearch, options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch) !=  nil}println(matchingTerms) // [Google, Goodbye, Go]

Update for Swift 3:

let itemExists = itemsArray.contains(where: {    $0.range(of: searchToSearch, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil})print(itemExists)let matchingTerms = itemsArray.filter({    $0.range(of: searchToSearch, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil})print(matchingTerms)

Try like this.

Swift 3.0

import UIKitlet itemsArray = ["Google", "Goodbye", "Go", "Hello"]var filterdItemsArray = [String]()func filterContentForSearchText(searchText: String) {    filterdItemsArray = itemsArray.filter { item in        return item.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())    }}filterContentForSearchText(searchText: "Go")print(filterdItemsArray)


["Google", "Goodbye", "Go"]