Check if User is Logged into iCloud? Swift/iOS Check if User is Logged into iCloud? Swift/iOS swift swift

Check if User is Logged into iCloud? Swift/iOS

If you just want to know if the user is logged in to iCloud, the synchronous method can be used:

if FileManager.default.ubiquityIdentityToken != nil {    print("iCloud Available")} else {    print("iCloud Unavailable")}

If the ubiquityIdentityToken is nil and you'd like to know why iCloud isn't available, you can use the asynchronous method:

CKContainer.default().accountStatus { (accountStatus, error) in    switch accountStatus {    case .available:        print("iCloud Available")    case .noAccount:        print("No iCloud account")    case .restricted:        print("iCloud restricted")    case .couldNotDetermine:        print("Unable to determine iCloud status")    }}

Note that this requires the use of CloudKit, which requires the CloudKit entitlement:

<key></key><array>    <string>CloudKit</string></array>

If you want to use the asynchronous method but don't care about why, you should check that accountStatus is available, rather than checking that it is not noAccount:

CKContainer.default().accountStatus { (accountStatus, error) in    if case .available = accountStatus {        print("iCloud Available")    } else {        print("iCloud Unavailable")    }}

Here you go - hopefully self explanatory. For more look at the Apple docs for the NSFileManager function below.

func isICloudContainerAvailable()->Bool {        if let currentToken = NSFileManager.defaultManager().ubiquityIdentityToken {            return true        }        else {            return false        }    }

See extract below:An opaque token that represents the current user’s iCloud identity (read-only)When iCloud is currently available, this property contains an opaque object representing the identity of the current user. If iCloud is unavailable for any reason or there is no logged-in user, the value of this property is nil.

I think this async method is preferred so that you don't block while you are checking.

        CKContainer.defaultContainer().accountStatusWithCompletionHandler { (accountStat, error) in          if (accountStat == .Available) {              print("iCloud is available")          }          else {              print("iCloud is not available")          }        }