Create a "forCount" control structure in Swift Create a "forCount" control structure in Swift swift swift

Create a "forCount" control structure in Swift

There are no preprocessor macros in Swift, but you can define a global function taking the iteration count and a closure as arguments:

func forCount(count : Int, @noescape block : () -> ()) {    for _ in 0 ..< count {        block()    }}

With the "trailing closure syntax", it looks like a built-incontrol statement:

forCount(40) {    print("*")}

The @noescape attribute allows the compile to make some optimizationsand to refer to instance variables without using self, see@noescape attribute in Swift 1.2 for more information.

As of Swift 3, "noescape" is the default attribute for functionparameters:

func forCount(_ count: Int, block: () -> ()) {    for _ in 0 ..< count {        block()    }}

you can do

let resultArr = (0..<n).map{$0+5}

