CUICatalog: Invalid Request: requesting subtype without specifying idiom (Where is it coming from and how to fix it?) CUICatalog: Invalid Request: requesting subtype without specifying idiom (Where is it coming from and how to fix it?) swift swift

CUICatalog: Invalid Request: requesting subtype without specifying idiom (Where is it coming from and how to fix it?)

I have this error too. In my opinion, it's the Xcode 7.2 bug and not your fault. I've updated Xcode in the middle of making an app and this message starts to show up constantly in the console. According to this and that links, you have nothing to fear here.

Product > Clean

seems to do the trick.

Error seems to start popping up when you delete an Item from Asset Catalogue but its reference still stay buried in code somewhere. (In my case it was the default spaceship asset which I deleted.)