Dictionary access in Swift Dictionary access in Swift swift swift

Dictionary access in Swift

You could use the new syntactic sugars for Arrays and Dictionaries from Beta 3.

let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("books", ofType: "plist")let dict = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path)let books = dict.objectForKey("Books")! as [[String:AnyObject]]

You can access bookData as is, automatic type inference should work...

let rnd = Int(arc4random_uniform((UInt32(books.count))))let bookData = books[rnd]

Put an explicit type for each item in the book dictionary, since we have defined it as AnyObject.

let title = bookData["title"]! as Stringlet numPages = bookData["pages"]! as Int

Late edit

  • With the nil coalescing operator ?? you can check for nil values and provide an alternate value like so:

    let title = (bookData["title"] as? String) ?? "untitled"let numPages = (bookData["pages"] as? Int) ?? -1


If using Dictionary:

if let bookData = bookData{   if let keyUnwrapped = bookData["title"]{      title = keyUnwrapped.string   }}