Easiest way to find Square Root in Swift? Easiest way to find Square Root in Swift? swift swift

Easiest way to find Square Root in Swift?

In Swift 3, the FloatingPoint protocol appears to have a squareRoot() method. Both Float and Double conform to the FloatingPoint protocol. So:

let x = 4.0let y = x.squareRoot()

is about as simple as it gets.

The underlying generated code should be a single x86 machine instruction, no jumping to the address of a function and then returning because this translates to an LLVM built-in in the intermediate code. So, this should be faster than invoking the C library's sqrt function, which really is a function and not just a macro for assembly code.

In Swift 3, you do not need to import anything to make this work.

Note that sqrt() will require the import of at least one of:

  • UIKit
  • Cocoa
    • You can just import Darwin instead of the full Cocoa
  • Foundation

First import import UIKit

let result = sqrt(25) // equals to 5

Then your result should be on the "result" variable