GMSMapView Energy Impact GMSMapView Energy Impact swift swift

GMSMapView Energy Impact

I Found the answer myself. It is related to GMSMarker.tracksViewChanges property.

Turning it to false for all added markers has released the CPU.

Make false of GMSMarker()'s object property tracksViewChanges & tracksInfoWindowChanges

let placeMarker = GMSMarker()placeMarker.tracksViewChanges = falseplaceMarker.tracksInfoWindowChanges = false

It will bringdown energy impact clock indictor.

I found google maps to consume to much memory as well. Changing tracksViewChanges worked for me as well.

Another approach that I have tried when the rendering was taking to long, is to split the rendering of the markers or views in the map.

You can use the delegate methods of GMSMapView

  • mapViewDidStartTileRendering(_mapView: GMSMapView) and
  • mapViewDidFinishTileRendering(_ mapView: GMSMapView)

to know when the render has finished and add new elements.