HealthKit Permission Sheet Not Appearing HealthKit Permission Sheet Not Appearing swift swift

HealthKit Permission Sheet Not Appearing

With this TestHealthKit, I was able to open the health-kit permission sheet.

        // 4.  Request HealthKit authorization    (HealthStore as! HKHealthStore).requestAuthorizationToShareTypes(nil, readTypes: dataTypesToRead()) { (success, error) -> Void in        //            self.CheckAuthorizationStatusFor(self.dataTypesToRead())        if (success)        {            SuccessCompletion(success: success)            return;        }        else        {            FailureCompletion(err: error)            return;        }    }

Also, check have you enabled the entitlement as shown. entitlements .

As stated in the documentation, you must add the necessary keys to .plist if your app uses APIs that read or update user health data.

NSHealthShareUsageDescription - A message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to read samples from the HealthKit store.

NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription - A message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to save samples to the HealthKit store.