How can I run XCTest for a swift application from the command line? How can I run XCTest for a swift application from the command line? swift swift

How can I run XCTest for a swift application from the command line?

I think the issue is you have your test.swift file under the main project's target membership. Make sure your swift test files belong to the Test target only.

I was able to get your XCTestCase compiling with the following command:

swiftc \-F/Applications/ \-Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /Applications/ \-lswiftCore LeapTest.swift \-o LeapTests

Then you can execute the tests with xctest:

xcrun xctest LeapTests

And to break down those swiftc command line options:

  1. -F... adds XCTest.framework to the framework search paths, enabling it to be imported from Swift
  2. -Xlinker -rpath ... makes sure the XCTest shared library can be found at load time
  3. Without explicitly specifying -lswiftCore, I found that xctest would crash when it tried to run the test suite

Hope that helps!