How do you access command line arguments in Swift? How do you access command line arguments in Swift? swift swift

How do you access command line arguments in Swift?

Update 01/17/17: Updated the example for Swift 3. Process has been renamed to CommandLine.

Update 09/30/2015: Updated the example to work in Swift 2.

It's actually possible to do this without Foundation or C_ARGV and C_ARGC.

The Swift standard library contains a struct CommandLine which has a collection of Strings called arguments. So you could switch on arguments like this:

for argument in CommandLine.arguments {    switch argument {    case "arg1":        print("first argument")    case "arg2":        print("second argument")    default:        print("an argument")    }}

In Swift 3 use CommandLine enum instead of Process


let arguments = CommandLine.arguments

Use the top level constants C_ARGC and C_ARGV.

for i in 1..C_ARGC {    let index = Int(i);    let arg = String.fromCString(C_ARGV[index])    switch arg {    case "this":        println("this yo");    case "that":        println("that yo")    default:        println("dunno bro")    }}

Note that I'm using the range of 1..C_ARGC because the first element of the C_ARGV "array" is the application's path.

The C_ARGV variable is not actually an array but is sub-scriptable like an array.