How do you get a signal every time a UITextField text property changes in RxSwift How do you get a signal every time a UITextField text property changes in RxSwift swift swift

How do you get a signal every time a UITextField text property changes in RxSwift

I had the same issues, apparently sweeper's answer did not work for me. So here is what I didWhen I set the text for textfield manually, I call sendActions method on the text field

textField.text = "Programmatically set text."textField.sendActions(for: .valueChanged)

On digging a little bit more, I realized that the rx.text depends on UIControlEventsand these are not triggered when you explicitly set the text.

Hope this helps

You can add controlEvents to asObservable:

    textField.rx.controlEvent([.editingChanged])        .asObservable().subscribe({ [unowned self] _ in            print("My text : \(self.textField.text ?? "")")        }).disposed(by: bag)

When you wish to observe a property of key-value observing compatible object, just call observe!

Here is an example

textfield.rx.observe(String.self, "text").subscribe(onNext: { s in    print(s ?? "nil")}).disposed(by: disposeBag)

This will detect changes to text that are made by both the user and your code.

You can use this technique to not just observe text, but also any other property that has a key path!