How to find max value for Double and Float in Swift How to find max value for Double and Float in Swift swift swift

How to find max value for Double and Float in Swift

As of Swift 3+, you should use:


While there’s no Double.max, it is defined in the C float.h header, which you can access in Swift via import Darwin.

import Darwinlet fmax = FLT_MAXlet dmax = DBL_MAX

These are roughly 3.4 * 10^38 and 1.79 * 10^308 respectively.

But bear in mind it’s not so simple with floating point numbers (it’s never simple with floating point numbers). When holding numbers this large, you lose precision in a similar way to losing precision with very small numbers, so:

let d = DBL_MAXlet e = d - 1.0let diff = d - ediff == 0.0  // truelet maxPlusOne = DBL_MAX + 1maxPlusOne == d  // truelet inf = DBL_MAX * 2// perhaps infinity is the “maximum” inf == Double.infinity  // true

So before you get into some calculations that might possibly brush up against these limits, you should probably read up on floating point. Here and here are probably a good start.

AV's answer is fine, but I find those macros hard to remember and a bit non-obvious, so eventually I made Double.MIN and friends work:

extension Double {    static var MIN     = -DBL_MAX    static var MAX_NEG = -DBL_MIN    static var MIN_POS =  DBL_MIN    static var MAX     =  DBL_MAX}

Don't use lowercase min and max -- those symbols are used in Swift 3.