How to observe an array of NSObjects in swift? How to observe an array of NSObjects in swift? swift swift

How to observe an array of NSObjects in swift?

The error is because marketIndexList is defined as Array<MarketIndex> but you assigned Observable instance. Perhaps you wanted to do something like this:

var observableList: Observable = Observable([])var marketIndexList: Array<MarketIndex> = [MarketIndex(), MarketIndex()]observableList.value = marketIndexList    // Or maybeobservableList = Observable(marketIndexList)

By the way, you can also use Objective-C KVO from Swift. Just mark the property as dynamic and make sure the class inherits NSObject to make the property observable. For example:

class ObservableClass: NSObject {    dynamic var value = [Int]()}

This post is good to read for KVO in Swift in addition to what you referred to.