How to use Objective-C code with #define macros in Swift How to use Objective-C code with #define macros in Swift swift swift

How to use Objective-C code with #define macros in Swift

What I did is to create a class method that returns the #define.


.h file:

#define AD_SIZE CGSizeMake(320, 50)+ (CGSize)adSize;

.m file:

+ (CGSize)adSize { return AD_SIZE; }

And in Swift:

Since this is a class method you can now use it almost as you would the #define.If you change your #define macro - it will be reflected in the new method you createdIn Swift:

let size = YourClass.adSize()

I resolved this by replacing

#define AD_SIZE CGSizeMake(320, 50)

in the library's Constants.h with

extern CGSize const AD_SIZE;

and adding

CGSize const AD_SIZE = { .width = 320.0f, .height = 50.0f };

in the library's Constants.m file.

write your constants after Class declaration. like this...

class ForgotPasswrdViewController: UIViewController {let IS_IPHONE5 = fabs(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.height-568) < 1;let Tag_iamTxtf = 101