If a function returns an UnsafeMutablePointer is it our responsibility to destroy and dealloc? If a function returns an UnsafeMutablePointer is it our responsibility to destroy and dealloc? swift swift

If a function returns an UnsafeMutablePointer is it our responsibility to destroy and dealloc?

From Swift library UnsafeMutablePointer<T>

A pointer to an object of type T. This type provides no automated memory management, and therefore the user must take care to allocate and free memory appropriately.

The pointer can be in one of the following states:

  • memory is not allocated (for example, pointer is null, or memory hasbeen deallocated previously);
  • memory is allocated, but value has not been initialized;
  • memory is allocated and value is initialized.

struct UnsafeMutablePointer<T> : RandomAccessIndexType, Hashable, NilLiteralConvertible { /**/}