iOS Swift Pass Closure as Property? iOS Swift Pass Closure as Property? swift swift

iOS Swift Pass Closure as Property?

Sure, you can do this. Swift has first class functions, so you are able to do things like directly pass functions around like variables. Keep in mind, functions themselves are in fact closures behind the scenes. Here's a basic example:

class MyClass {    var theClosure: (() -> ())?    init() {        self.theClosure = aMethod    }    func aMethod() -> () {        println("I'm here!!!")    }}let instance = MyClass()if let theClosure = instance.theClosure {    theClosure()}instance.theClosure = {    println("Woo!")}instance.theClosure!()

And here is the same example using closures that can take a String parameter.

class MyClass {    var theClosure: ((someString: String) -> ())?    init() {        self.theClosure = aMethod    }    func aMethod(aString: String) -> () {        println(aString)    }}let instance = MyClass()if let theClosure = instance.theClosure {    theClosure(someString: "I'm the first cool string")}instance.theClosure = {(theVerySameString: String) -> () in    println(theVerySameString)    someThingReturningBool()}instance.theClosure!(someString: "I'm a cool string!")