iOS9 Sprite Kit issues iOS9 Sprite Kit issues swift swift

iOS9 Sprite Kit issues

SpriteKit in iOS 9 GM is VERY broken. I don't know what they did at Apple, but a couple of people should be fired. Take a look at all the complaints here :

My issue, for one, is that when I load an SKSpriteNode through the imageNamed init function, sometimes the sprites appear, sometimes they don't. I am using device-specific images, and sometimes the SAME line of code will load Rock@2x~ipad.png which will appear because it's my device-specific image, sometimes it will load Rock.png, which won't appear because I haven't included universal images.

I have reported this bug to Apple and they haven't fixed it yet. They're asking me for test scenarios, I have explained them 3 times in different manners and I'm getting short on explanations here.

All I can do at this point is tell you to report these bugs ASAP to Apple, and cross your fingers someone intelligent will read your bug report and do something with it.

As @tobias-lott mentioned in his comment I've had to bow include zPosition to every Sprite rather then letting the code order the sprites.

I had the same issue with random zPositions, then I noticed the following in GameViewController.swift:

/* Sprite Kit applies additional optimizations to improve rendering performance */skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = true

Changing ignoresSiblingOrder to false fixed the problem for me.