Iterate through a String Swift 2.0 Iterate through a String Swift 2.0 swift swift

Iterate through a String Swift 2.0

As of Swift 2, String doesn't conform to SequenceType. However, you can use the characters property on String. characters returns a String.CharacterView which conforms to SequenceType and so can be iterated through with a for loop:

let word = "Zebra"for i in word.characters {    print(i)}

Alternatively, you could add an extension to String to make it conform to SequenceType:

extension String: SequenceType {}// Now you can use String in for loop again.for i in "Zebra" {    print(i)}

Although, I'm sure Apple had a reason for removing String's conformance to SequenceType and so the first option seems like the better choice. It's interesting to explore what's possible though.

String doesn't conform to SequenceType anymore. However you can access the characters property of it this way:

var word = "Zebra"for i in word.characters {    print(i)}

Note that the documentation hasn't been updated yet.

Swift 4

Forin loop:

let word = "Swift 4"for i in word {    print(i)}

map example:

let word = "Swift 4"_ ={ print($0) })

forEach example:

let word = "Swift 4"word.forEach({ print($0) })