Missing Simulator in Xcode 8.3.2 after installing Xcode 9.0 Beta Missing Simulator in Xcode 8.3.2 after installing Xcode 9.0 Beta swift swift

Missing Simulator in Xcode 8.3.2 after installing Xcode 9.0 Beta

You can select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator and after simulator simulator loads, restart and then you will get whole list back.

Open Simulator Manually

Note : You can not work on both Xcode with all simulator same time. You have to close one Xcode with it's simulator then you can work on another.

Restart Xcode after loading of simulator

Restart Xcode after simulator loading process is done. You will get whole list of Simulators.

I had the same issue, solution is: MacBook restart :)

Check your deployment target in the deployment info.

This might have been changed if you are using latest version of Xcode where your deployment target will be automatically changed to higher versions of OS.

Just switch to older version of OS which will display all the simulators required. enter image description here