Non-public selectors in App? Non-public selectors in App? swift swift

Non-public selectors in App?

I had the same problem. I could not submit some of my apps because using non-public selectors. I also tried using Application Loader, but still the same error message

To solve the problem I installed Xcode 6.0.1 - it is still available to download here:

Before installing i moved the old Xcode to trash.

I can now submit any app.

The API differs between iOS 7 and iOS 8.I got my App validated by switching to Deployment Target "8.0" - built with XCode 6.1.It might not be the solution to all you guys but you could give it a try.

Might have happened to me because I recently started using UIAlertController -> seems to be an iOS-8-Feature. On iOS 7 this would be UIAlertView. So if you use some nifty new features they might not have been available with previous iOS versions - thus non-public API.

For the same app, I got this error today on XCode 6.1. I submit the same app (little variation) 2/3 days ago with XCode 6.0.1 without any error! Just updated XCode 6.1 and trapped with this error.

I switched back to XCode 6.0.1 and it do not have any problem with the submission. No non-public API usage error. I just download the dmg file and rename to XCode_6.0.1. So it coexists with XCode 6.1.