Obfuscating Swift code before submission to Apple App Store Obfuscating Swift code before submission to Apple App Store swift swift

Obfuscating Swift code before submission to Apple App Store

Java gets converted into bytecode, which can be decompiled.

Swift is a compiled language, and the Clang compiler is highly optimized. In release mode it strips out symbols and does a lot of optimization that does a great deal of obfuscation all by itself. There are decompilers for compiled languages, but the results are really awful and hard to read.


There are tools like iXGuard that have the ability to further obfuscate your Swift code, making it even harder for hackers to reverse-engineer it.

A bit late to the party, but plain text strings can be extracted with no need of a jailbroken device just issuing the command strings to your executable.

So, yes, protect your sensitive strings in some way.

You can check my command line utility for doing this:
