Path to bundle of iOS framework Path to bundle of iOS framework swift swift

Path to bundle of iOS framework

Use Bundle(for:Type):

let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))let path = bundle.path(forResource: filename, ofType: type)

or search the bundle by identifier (the frameworks bundle ID):

let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "com.myframework")

Swift 5

let bundle = Bundle(for: Self.self)let path = bundle.path(forResource: "filename", ofType: ".plist")

Try below code to get the custom bundle:

let bundlePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "CustomBunlde", ofType: "bundle")let resourceBundle = Bundle.init(path: bundlePath!)


If in your framework, try this:

[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[YourClass class]] URLForResource:@"YourResourceName" withExtension:@".suffixName"];