Swift -- Require classes implementing protocol to be subclasses of a certain class Swift -- Require classes implementing protocol to be subclasses of a certain class swift swift

Swift -- Require classes implementing protocol to be subclasses of a certain class

Update. In the latest Swift version you can just write

protocol TransmogrifiableView: NSView {    func transmogrify()}

, and this will enforce the conformer types to be either NSView, or a subclass of it. This means the compiler will "see" all members of NSView.

Original answer

There is a workaround by using associated types to enforce the subclass:

protocol TransmogrifiableView {    associatedtype View: NSView = Self    func transmogrify()}class MyView: NSView, TransmogrifiableView { ... } // compilesclass MyOtherClass: TransmogrifiableView { ... } // doesn't compile

Starting from Swift 4 you can now define this as followed:

let myView: NSView & TransmogrifiableView

For more information, checkout issue #156 Subclass Existentials

You could use something like this:

protocol TransmogrifiableView where Self:NSView {}

This requires all created instances which one conforms to TransmogrifiableView protocol to be subclassed with NSView