SwiftUI - Add Border to One Edge of an Image SwiftUI - Add Border to One Edge of an Image swift swift

SwiftUI - Add Border to One Edge of an Image




You can use this modifier on any View:

.border(width: 5, edges: [.top, .leading], color: .yellow)

With the help of this simple extension:

extension View {    func border(width: CGFloat, edges: [Edge], color: Color) -> some View {        overlay(EdgeBorder(width: width, edges: edges).foregroundColor(color))    }}

And here is the magic struct behind this:

struct EdgeBorder: Shape {    var width: CGFloat    var edges: [Edge]    func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {        var path = Path()        for edge in edges {            var x: CGFloat {                switch edge {                case .top, .bottom, .leading: return rect.minX                case .trailing: return rect.maxX - width                }            }            var y: CGFloat {                switch edge {                case .top, .leading, .trailing: return rect.minY                case .bottom: return rect.maxY - width                }            }            var w: CGFloat {                switch edge {                case .top, .bottom: return rect.width                case .leading, .trailing: return self.width                }            }            var h: CGFloat {                switch edge {                case .top, .bottom: return self.width                case .leading, .trailing: return rect.height                }            }            path.addPath(Path(CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h)))        }        return path    }}

If somebody ever needs to just add a quick 1 (or more) sided border to a view (e.g., the top edge, or any random combination of edges), I've found this works well and is tweakable:

top edge:

.overlay(Rectangle().frame(width: nil, height: 1, alignment: .top).foregroundColor(Color.gray), alignment: .top)

leading edge:

.overlay(Rectangle().frame(width: 1, height: nil, alignment: .leading).foregroundColor(Color.gray), alignment: .leading)


Just tweak the height, width, and edge to produce the combination of borders you want.

Similar to @smakus, if you don't need to control color or thickness, you can just do this:

    .overlay(Divider(), alignment: .top)    .overlay(Divider(), alignment: .bottom)