Tons of errors due to set arm64 in Excluded Architectures in iOS 14.2 simulators Tons of errors due to set arm64 in Excluded Architectures in iOS 14.2 simulators swift swift

Tons of errors due to set arm64 in Excluded Architectures in iOS 14.2 simulators

I had a somewhat different but similar issue when building on M1 MBP with Xcode running with Rosetta. Some of Apple's APIs fail and together with failing there is this error printed to the console.

In my opinion this is some kind of a simulator bug and it is present as of Xcode 12.3. Maybe 12.4 solves it, but I did not try.

Anyway, what solved it for me was to download iOS 13.7 simulator runtime.

enter image description here

enter image description here

And then create a new simulator using this iOS version:

enter image description here

If this solution worked for you but you must have iOS 14, you can try other 14.x version. Maybe it's an issue only with the latest.

For me, I saw these errors using React Native after ejecting from expo. Specifically, running expo run:ios (more info). I see no such errors after stopping that initial session and running another again, right after, using npm run ios.

Seems like the normal npm-run command starts a simulator with the correct architecture. However, the final step in the expo run:ios process does not.

You can get rid of these loggings by adding OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable to the Environment Variables's Arguments.

Product -> Edit Schema -> Run -> Arguments