What's wrong here: Instance member cannot be used on type [duplicate] What's wrong here: Instance member cannot be used on type [duplicate] swift swift

What's wrong here: Instance member cannot be used on type [duplicate]

The problem here is that you are using self before the class is fully initialised. You can either have a getter which will be called every time you access the variable or compute it lazily.

Here is some code:

class TableViewController: UITableViewController {    let mydate = NSDate()    var items : [(Int,Int,Int,String,NSDate)] {        get {            return [                (1, 9, 7, "A", mydate),                (2, 9, 7, "B", mydate),                (3, 9, 7, "C", mydate),                (4, 9, 7, "D", mydate)            ]        }    }}

Lazy computation:

class TableViewController: UITableViewController {    let mydate = NSDate()    lazy var items : [(Int,Int,Int,String,NSDate)] =  {            return [                (1, 9, 7, "A", self.mydate),                (2, 9, 7, "B", self.mydate),                (3, 9, 7, "C", self.mydate),                (4, 9, 7, "D", self.mydate)            ]    }()}

You can use this code

var items:Array<(Int, Int, Int, String, NSDate)> {        get {            return [                (1, 9, 7, "A", mydate),                (2, 9, 7, "B", mydate),                (3, 9, 7, "C", mydate),                (4, 9, 7, "D", mydate)            ]        }    }

The compiler gets confused because it doesn't know the type of the optional NSDate. You can let it know explicitly about the type.

let items : Array<(Int, Int, Int, String, NSDate?)> = [    (1, 9, 7, "A", nil),    (2, 9, 7, "B", mydate),    (3, 9, 7, "C", mydate),    (4, 9, 7, "D", mydate)]

Edit: For the problem with using instance variable, you could initialise your items with a closure.

let items : Array<(Int, Int, Int, String, NSDate?)> = {    let mydate = NSDate()    return [        (1, 9, 7, "A", nil),        (2, 9, 7, "B", mydate),        (3, 9, 7, "C", mydate),        (4, 9, 7, "D", mydate)    ]    }()