Which Swift types can be represented in Objective-C? Which Swift types can be represented in Objective-C? swift swift

Which Swift types can be represented in Objective-C?

You cannot assign arbitrary types to Core Data properties because the accessor methods are created dynamically at runtime. If you create an Objective-Cmanaged object subclass in Xcode then you will see the proper data types usedby Core Data, e.g.

  • NSNumber for Boolean, Integer, Float and Double attributes,
  • NSString for String attributes,
  • NSSet for (unordered) to-many relationships.

You have to choose the same data type in Swift.

Theoretically, scalar accessors for primitive data types should work as well,but there seems to be a problem in the current Swift version, compareHow to use Core Data Integer 64 with Swift Int64? or EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when trying to change Bool property.