Xcode 6 (beta 3): Unsupported pixel format in CSI or Unable to create unsliced image from csi bitmap data Xcode 6 (beta 3): Unsupported pixel format in CSI or Unable to create unsliced image from csi bitmap data swift swift

Xcode 6 (beta 3): Unsupported pixel format in CSI or Unable to create unsliced image from csi bitmap data

This is caused by a bug in Xcode 6 (beta 3 at this time). It appears to occur only if your build target is iOS 7.x

To work around this issue:

1) delete the files from the Images.xcassets container.

2) place the images directly into the "Supporting Files" folder.

Note: It is not required to add the ".png" extension within your code, making this a clean workaround.

Please create a RADAR (bug report) to Apple.

XCode 6.0.1 still have this problem.If you add .jpg to Images.xcassets and try to install app to the iOS 7 device.

To fix it just convert .jpg to .png

Apple engineer's response:

The issue is that iOS 7 apps cannot have JPEG images in the CAR file. actool should have copied the JPEG as a loose image into your app's folder. To work around this issue, you should either convert the image to a PNG or include the JPEG as a resource outside of the asset catalog.